Voluntary associations are emergency system vital element, and of the health system in general. We met Garda Emergenza, a voluntary association based in Lonato sul Garda
The Force of Will" contest, created by Spencer in collaboration with IED, was a great success: the award ceremony for the winning works was held in splendid Florence
First International Conference of Geneva: today we celebrate a very important date for the world of the Red Cross and humanitarianism in general: 26 October 1863 marks the start of the First International Conference in Geneva
Garda Emergenza is at Emergency Expo. The world of voluntary work, an essential element of rescue and of our society! Emergency Expo is proud to give space to these realities and to these people who are so important in the collective…
Founded in 1903, the Associação Humanitária de Bombeiros Voluntários de Torres Vedras, a city located north of the capital Lisbon, has more than a century of history dedicated to the protection of the community in which it operates
The Azerbaijan Red Crescent Society and International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) have today condemned the death of a Red Crescent volunteer who was providing humanitarian assistance in the town of Barda,…