A Master’s degree in the future: crisis and disaster management

Presented second edition of the Master in “Crisis and Disaster Management”. Registration by 8 November 2024

The Catholic University of the Sacred Heart, with its long tradition in the training of high-level professional figures, presents the second edition of the first level Master in “Crisis and Disaster Management: Organizational Functions in Civil Protection, Security and Civil Defence”. A comprehensive and innovative training course, aimed at those who wish to acquire the necessary skills to operate in complex and dynamic contexts, increasingly characterized by extreme events and emerging risks.

Why choose this Master?

Our world is constantly changing and the events of recent years have underlined the importance of being prepared to face crisis situations. Earthquakes, floods, pandemics, cyber attacks: these are just some of the events that can put our society to the test. The professional figure capable of managing emergencies effectively is increasingly in demand, both in the public and private sectors.
The Master, thanks to its interdisciplinary approach, offers a complete and updated preparation, ranging from health emergency management to computer security, from crisis communication to intervention planning.

Who is it addressed to?

The Master’s is aimed at:

  • Three-year graduates: from all disciplines, who wish to acquire specific skills in the field of emergency management
  •  Professionals in the field: members of law enforcement, civil protection, health services, companies and non-governmental organizations
  • Military: on active duty or leave, who wish to deepen their knowledge in the field of security and defence
  • All those who are interested in playing an active role in building a more resilient and secure society

What will you learn?

During the Master, you will have the opportunity to:

  • Acquire theoretical knowledge on the fundamentals of crisis and disaster management
  • Develop practical skills through simulations, exercises and internships at operational realities
  • To delve into specific topics such as crisis communication, information management, cyber security and logistics
  • Collaborate with industry experts and share experiences with colleagues from different professional fields

How is the course structured?

The Master is divided into four main modules:

  1. Social and health context: risk analysis, impact assessment, intervention planning
  2. Civil protection: Organisation and coordination of relief, management of complex emergencies
  3. Crisis communication: Information management, media relations, internal and external communication
  4. Security: Corporate security, civil protection, civil defence, cyber security

Why choose the Catholic University?

  • Teaching excellence: Highly qualified teachers with solid experience in the sector
  • Collaboration networks: Prestigious partners for internships and special projects
  • Flexibility: Possibility to follow the course in online and blended learning mode
  • Student support: Dedicated services to facilitate learning and career guidance

Don’t miss this opportunity!

Don’t miss the opportunity to become an emergency management professional. Sign up by November 8, 2024!

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