Citizen-centered Disaster Preparedness - How B-prepared Empowers You!

The new B-prepared, supported by the European Commission, promotes mutual assistance and cooperation through team-based gameplay

Disasters, whether natural or human-made, pose significant challenges to communities worldwide. Educating and empowering citizens is crucial for mitigating impacts and ensuring safety and resilience. Supported by the European Commission, freshly started B-prepared is aiming to make a difference!
B-prepared fosters mutual assistance and cooperation through team-based gameplay, where players solve puzzle tasks in immersive disaster scenarios, strengthening community bonds.

What B-prepared Has to Offer

B-prepared is citizen focused, and aimed at building a culture for better disaster preparedness and readiness; it develops the following key components:

  • Disastropedia: A free, comprehensive knowledge base platform offering information on various disasters, historical data, preventive measures, and response strategies. It’s a valuable resource for individuals and communities to understand and prepare for potential disasters.
  • Serious game in VR: B-prepared offers a cooperative multiplayer VR game simulating real disaster scenarios, allowing safe training for firefighting, search and rescue, medical triage, evacuation, and more.
  • Interactive Gamified Mobile App: Offering age-appropriate content and enhanced accessibility, this app helps a broad audience prepare for disaster scenarios. At the time of writing this article, the app is only in its alpha version. Learn more (
  • Learning Management System (LMS): This system measures preparedness levels achieved by VR and mobile users on a unified scale. It helps assess the effectiveness of training and provides valuable data for further research and improvement.

The project also involves

  • Hackathon Challenges: To demonstrate its features, B-prepared will host a series of hackathons. Show off your technical skills and connect to the B-prepared system!
  • 25 API keys to be distributed among those who wish to connect their systems to B-prepared!
  • A live-streamed tabletop societal security exercise and an actual live drill, benchmarking the effectiveness of B-prepared against classic methods.


  • Social media: Follow B-prepared on social media to engage with the community, share tips, and stay updated on the latest news. Stay informed with the latest updates –
  • Register for Disastropedia Use: Sign up to access Disastropedia, add and discuss content and join the drop-in Q&A sessions!.
  • Survey: Participate in surveys to help improve B-prepared and share your experience and insights –
  • Further questions? Contact us at ‘’ and a project member will be in touch with you shortly!

To subscribe for updates and more information, visit

Why subscribe?

  • Future Plans: B-prepared as a freshly started project continues to evolve and expand its resources and training tools. Upcoming events, webinars, and Q&A sessions are underway!
  • Continued Learning and Engagement: Stay connected with B-prepared to keep learning about disaster preparedness. Spread the word and involve others to build a more resilient community!
    By leveraging B-prepared’s innovative tools and resources, we can better prepare for, respond to, and recover from disasters, ultimately saving lives and minimizing community impact. We are working for citizens!

Sources and Images

  • Be-prepared press release
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