Italy, the reception of migrants in Lampedusa will be provided by the Red Cross
Migrants in Lampedusa (Italy), Memorandum of Understanding: “An important challenge begins for us as the Italian Republic”
These are the words of the President of the Italian Red Cross, Rosario Valastro, opening the press conference in the ‘Solferino’ room at the headquarters of the Cri national committee in Via Bernardo Ramazzini on the occasion of the presentation of the Memorandum of Understanding that will lead the Red Cross to the management of the Lampedusa Hotspot for the reception of migrants.
Migrants, the reception in Lampedusa and the Red Cross’ commitment
“Our commitment,” Valastro continued, “as a country system will be to guarantee migrants a reception that is worthy from a human point of view above all.
From 1 June, we will try to ensure that the Lampedusa Hotspot, which the Italian Red Cross will manage, becomes the bastion of humanity in that part of the world”.
“It is the southernmost place in Europe where migrants are received and must be the flagship in terms of the treatment of human beings: of the men, women and children who arrive.
We are proud to be able to work with the government on this challenge and we are grateful for the trust that the Commission structure has placed in us.
We really want to work to give a human face to the migration phenomenon’.
About Lampedusa Commissioner for Migrant Emergency Valerio Valenti said
“Since 9 January last, when I took office as Head of the Department for Civil Liberties and Immigration at the Viminale, I have launched specific activities aimed at improving the response to the migratory phenomenon on Lampedusa,” said Commissioner for the Migrant Emergency, Valerio Valenti, speaking at a press conference.
“Our commitment,” Valenti continued, “has been geared towards strengthening our reception system on the island to provide migrants with adequate levels of assistance.
And it was in this spirit that we initiated the necessary interlocutions to identify an entity that had the structure, capacity, and expertise to best manage the Lampedusa hotspot.
Thus the collaboration with the Red Cross was born.
Together we have already carried out numerous inspections, in order to promptly initiate adjustment interventions, in order not only to make the reception offered by the structure more effective, but also to reduce the fallout that, due to the continuous landings, weighs on the life of the community’.
Finally, Ignazio Schintu, Director of the Italian Red Cross Emergency and Relief Area, spoke, pointing out that, ‘the Lampedusa structure has limitations and that in order to provide a reception worthy of a human being, some changes will have to be made that we will see when we are inside.
Our concern will also be to meet the needs of the municipal administration.
We will make available to that territory all the facilities that will support the response to national emergencies.
From increasing the number of doctors to supporting communication with the families of migrants, to maintaining cleanliness by allocating a suitable nucleus of operators”.
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