Diagnosis of prostate carcinoma

The diagnosis of prostate carcinoma is made by means of multiple biopsies of the gland under local anaesthesia It is important to emphasise that, to date, there are no scientifically proven alternative methods for the diagnosis of prostate…

Nutrition in winter: what is important to know

It is also important that the diet in winter follows a healthy regimen, based on seasonal products. Which foods to prefer and how to regulate yourself during the coldest season of the year? Nutrition: because we eat more in winter The…

What is a double contrast barium enema?

The double-contrast barium enema is an x-ray of the colon and rectum which is performed first by using a suspension of water and barium introduced rectally and then by air which makes it possible to make the structure of the organ visible…

Let's not lose sight of it: astigmatism

Astigmatism is a condition in which there is a difference in the refractive power of the ocular diopter on the different axes, otherwise defined as meridians, and in most cases this anomaly is localized in the cornea causing visual problems

What is cholangiography?

Cholangiography is a radiological examination of the bile ducts (common bile duct, cystic duct, hepatic duct and gallbladder, i.e. all the channels that are crossed by the bile) which is carried out by administering a radio-opaque contrast…

Diarrhoea: causes and what to eat

Diarrhoea is a condition characterised by liquid or semi-liquid stools, which are emitted several times over a twenty-four-hour period and which is often associated with a series of gastrointestinal symptoms such as belly cramps, bloating,…

Bruxism: causes and consequences

Bruxism is a common condition that can occur during the day or night, caused by stress and anxiety. It can cause pain in the face, ears and/or head and lead to a number of consequences for the teeth

Chest pain: possible causes

Chest pain is a symptom that immediately raises alarm bells. Feeling a strong pain in the chest immediately leads one to think of a heart attack, one of the most common causes of this type of pain, but this is not always the case

What is cystography?

Cystography is an X-ray test that allows visualisation of the lower urinary tract, i.e. the bladder and urethra, in order to study their function and morphology, with X-rays taken with a contrast medium

Emergency Room Access: Neurology Emergencies

Let's talk about Urgent Emergencies in Neurology: according to various epidemiological studies, 25-30 % of hospital emergency room admissions are due to acute or subacute pathologies of the Central Nervous System (CNS) and/or Peripheral…

Heart murmur: need to worry?

It can happen that you go to the cardiologist for a check-up and are told that 'there is a heart murmur'. Panic. Here come the worst thoughts, the worst conjectures and you find yourself looking for news about this infamous heart murmur

What is the glucose breath test?

The breath test or breath test is a diagnostic test that is carried out by analyzing samples of exhaled air. The glucose breath test is useful for diagnosing bacterial overgrowth in the small intestine

Acute Abdomen: Causes and Cures

Acute abdomen is a clinical condition, of rapid onset, characterised by abdominal pain, more or less localised, which may lead, considering its severity, to surgical intervention, even on an emergency basis

Breast cancer: everything you need to know

Breast cancer is a neoplasm. It consists of cells that grow in an uncontrolled manner. Diseased cells can form in all types of breast tissue, but predominantly tumours form in the glandular cells, i.e. in the lobules, or in those that make…