What is calcemia?

The term calcium indicates the levels of calcium in the blood. Circulating calcium is largely bound to plasma proteins and only a small part is present in free form Most of the calcium is stored in the bones. Why measure blood calcemia?…

Emetophobia: the fear of vomiting

Although no one finds it amusing to feel physically ill, the flu or any other condition that causes nausea and potential vomiting (e.g. pregnancy) creates particular difficulties for individuals suffering from so-called 'vomiting phobia' or…

Allergy/hypersensitivity to heparin(s)

Heparins (unfractionated heparin UFH and low-molecular-weight heparin LMWH) are used for the treatment and prophylaxis of thromboembolic diseases for which additional anticoagulant drugs are available, such as semi-synthetic heparinoids…

Managing Diabetes at Work

Managing diabetes at work: People with diabetes learn to live with the chronic condition all day, every day, including at work. Although they may face unique challenges in the workplace, they can overcome them through effective diabetes…

What is detox and why is it important

After the Christmas holidays, one hears the word 'detox' mentioned more and more often on TV and in the various media, in connection with various activities to get back into shape and regain a perfect mental and physical balance But what…

Aphasia, what it is and how to deal with it

Aphasia (from the Greek: ἀφασία i.e. lack of speech) defines in neurology the condition in which one loses the ability to communicate, which may affect both the ability to express oneself and the ability to understand language, and may…

Colposcopy: what is it?

Colposcopy came into being thanks to Hans Hinselmann in 1921 who, a professor extraordinaire at the University of Hamburg, began his studies to better observe the portio (cervix) by developing the first, rudimentary, but functional…

What is a brain biopsy?

A brain biopsy consists of taking one or more pieces of brain tissue for microscopic testing. The aim of this type of diagnostic test is to detect a possible brain lesion and to develop the most appropriate type of therapy

Philophobia, the fear of love

What is philophobia? Every human being is afraid of something, some are even afraid to love. Sometimes what the human mind perceives as a threat is the unpredictable, the unknown, because what is unknown is seen as uncontrollable