Claustrophobia: symptoms and treatment

Claustrophobia is certainly one of the most widespread phobias. The claustrophobic person can make it difficult to rescue people and/or to relate to those around him because he has an excessive and irrational fear of narrow, enclosed spaces…

How dangerous is an enlarged prostate?

Approximately half of all men over the age of 50 have an enlarged prostate, a condition known as benign prostatic hypertrophy, which occurs when the prostate gland, a seminal fluid-producing gland located around the urethra, becomes larger…

Why KRAS testing

The KRAS test (human homologue of the Kirsten Rat sarcoma 2 viral oncogene) is the first genetic test to identify the characteristics of an important biomarker of colorectal cancer, the KRAS protein

Microalbuminuria (MA): what does it indicate?

Microalbuminuria (MA) is a predictive index for the prevention of nephropathy. Albumin is a protein present in greater quantities in human plasma; it plays the role of maintaining osmotic pressure in the vascular bed at a correct value and…

Mammography: how to do it and when to do it

Mammography is an X-ray test that allows us to examine the breast tissue inside. Like all X-rays, it involves exposing the part under investigation to small doses of ionising radiation, X-rays, capable of detecting pathological changes

Mole mapping, when to do it?

Mole mapping is a dermatological test that should be carried out at least once, if not periodically, to monitor the skin and prevent the formation of serious diseases such as melanoma

Thyroid and Pregnancy: an overview

Thyroid and pregnancy: the hormone glands produce quantities of hormones appropriate to the body's demands at that particular time. In this context, pregnancy is the best known condition as far as the thyroid gland is concerned