My eye dances: learning about nystagmus

Nystagmus is defined as the abnormal and rhythmic oscillation of one or both eyes. It is often associated with diseases such as congenital cataracts, retinal or optic nerve malformations, albinism and certain brain diseases

5 Tips to Ease Migraine Pain

When a migraine attack or episode occurs, you will do almost anything to make symptoms go away. While most migraine is not serious, there are instances where they can be a sign of a more serious condition

Causes, symptoms and remedies of pyorrhoea

Periodontal disease, commonly called pyorrhoea, is a bacterial disease that, due to the body's inflammatory response, leads to the progressive resorption of the alveolar bone, the bone that keeps the teeth working, with retraction of the…

Heart failure: causes, symptoms and treatment

Heart failure is the condition in which the heart is unable to pump sufficient blood to all organs and parts of the body. The condition is also called heart failure, although this term would be better suited to indicate the stages of heart…

Acute lymphocytic leukaemia: what is it?

Acute lymphocytic leukaemia is a cancer that affects a particular type of white blood cell, the lymphocyte. Lymphocytes fight infections and are produced by the bone marrow, which normally generates enough of them for the body's needs

Herpes Simplex: symptoms and treatment

Herpes Simplex is an infection caused by viruses of the herpesvirus family. Two types are known: HSV1, which prefers the upper part of the body and the oropharyngeal mucosa transmitted by interhuman contact, by the saliva of healthy…

Macroangiopathy: a complication of diabetes

Macroangiopathy is an alteration that affects the large arterial vessels, generally through atherosclerosis, i.e. through deposition of fat (plaque) on the surface of the inner lining of these vessels and subsequent fibrous transformation…

Papilloma Virus Infection and Prevention

The human papillomavirus (Human Papilloma Virus = HPV) is the most frequent cause of genital infection in women. There are many types of this virus that can infect the skin or mucous membranes and differ in their DNA content

Leukaemia: symptoms, causes and treatment

What is leukaemia? When we speak of leukaemias we mean a very large number of malignant pathologies that are all grouped under this term, but which differ from each other in the type of cell involved in the tumour transformation process