How to eliminate pendulous fibroids

Pendulous fibroids (vulgarly called warts) are benign skin excrescences that can affect as many as 1 in 2 people in a lifetime, regardless of gender, with a slight predominance in women after menopause

Lyme disease and ADHD: is there a connection?

Some research has shown a connection between chronic Lyme disease and ADHD. But the connection isn't clear and chronic Lyme disease (CLD) is mired in controversy with doctors and other medical professionals disagreeing on the existence of…

First aid in case of food poisoning

About food poisoning: the consumption of food contaminated with viruses, bacteria or toxins can lead to food poisoning. Some cases resolve without medication, but others can lead to complications or death without proper treatment or…

Atopic dermatitis: treatment and cure

Atopic dermatitis (AD) is a chronic condition that is difficult to manage therapeutically. Given its chronic-recurrent course, treatment must be planned with a long-term perspective and must take into account the multiple aspects of the…

Ventricular aneurysm: how to recognise it?

A ventricular aneurysm is a district dilatation of a portion of the ventricular wall, made up of fibrous tissue. In simpler terms, it is a pathological situation characterised by the fact that part of the heart muscle is replaced by a scar

Tuberculosis, symptoms and transmission

Tuberculosis is a lung infection caused by a bacterium, Mycobacterium tuberculosis. The bacterium that causes Tuberculosis (TB) is spread from one person to another when you come into contact with the cough or sneeze of someone who is…

Extrasystole: from diagnosis to therapy

Extrasystole is an often benign alteration of the heart rhythm. It is an early pulsating contraction of the heart, which the affected individual may clearly perceive as an abnormal contraction of the organ, an 'added beat' or 'irregular…

Short bowel syndrome: causes, therapy, diet

Short bowel syndrome (short bowel syndrome or 'SBS' or 'short gut') is a condition characterised by malabsorption due to intestinal insufficiency frequently caused by a congenital defect, intestinal infarction or extensive surgical…

Head lice and ticks: how to remove them

As small as they are insidious, they appear especially in hot weather: we are talking about lice and ticks, annoying and sometimes even dangerous parasites for humans. In particular, the tick bite should not be underestimated: although it…

What are bronchiectasis? An overview

Bronchiectasis is a chronic respiratory disease characterised by an abnormal and irreversible dilatation of certain portions of the bronchial tree with a consequent loss of proper mucociliary clearance function

Creaking joints: why and when to worry?

It has probably happened to everyone that their joints creak with small and sometimes disturbing noises that appear suddenly when performing common gestures, such as bending down to pick something up or turning one's head to look away