Concussion: what it is, causes and symptoms

Concussion is an alteration of brain function caused by trauma to the head. It can be caused by a violent or repeated blow to the head, such as in a car accident, a fall, during sporting activity, or even by shaking the person, e.g. an…

Pakistan, floods kill over 1000 people: Red Cross appeal

Floods in Pakistan: over a thousand people, including 348 children, have already lost their lives, more than a million homes have been severely damaged leaving millions of people displaced in grave danger and forcing some 500,000 people to…

How to choose medical suction device?

A modern suction device, also known as an aspirator, is a professional medical device that is mainly used to remove respiratory secretions from the mouth and respiratory tract of a person, such as saliva, sputum, and is also ideal for…

Loss of muscle coordination: ataxia

Ataxia is a medical term for a disorder characterised by the progressive loss of muscular coordination that makes it difficult to perform certain voluntary movements and, in severe cases, can even undermine the patient's autonomy, which may…

Oxygen reducer: principle of operation, application

Oxygen supply is necessary in some emergency rescue operations (for example, those injured in an accident), as well as during inpatient and home care for sick people suffering from low saturation (percentage of oxyhemoglobin in the blood)

What Is a Psychotic Disorder?

Psychotic disorders are a group of serious illnesses that affect the mind. They make it hard for someone to think clearly, make good judgments, respond emotionally, communicate effectively, understand reality, and behave appropriately

Blind Insertion Airway Devices (BIAD's)

About Blind Insertion Airway Devices (BIAD's): with the importance of maintaining the airway and the sheer number of patients who experience airway compromise, several companies have created devices to ease the process of obtaining a…