Symptoms and causes of Spitz nevus

Spitz nevus is a benign skin tumour named after Sophie Spitz, the physician who first identified its characteristics. It is a skin formation that tends to be benign and occurs mainly in young people, but not only

Meaning and remedies of dyspareunia

Dyspareunia is genital pain that is felt during sexual intercourse. It is a disabling gynaecological problem that affects approximately 10-20% of women, with peaks of up to 40% after menopause and a profound impact on the sexual life of…

Mammary MRI: what it is and when it is done

Mammary Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) is a diagnostic examination, complementary to mammography and breast ultrasound, that makes it possible to identify extremely accurately even very small nodules that are often undetectable with…

What are the symptoms of monkeypox?

Unusual cases of monkeypox are occurring all over the world. The World Health Organisation (WHO) has documented more than 550 cases in 30 countries, including those where the disease does not routinely occur

Remedies and causes of couperose on the face

Couperose manifests itself with reddish, cobweb-like veins particularly on the cheeks and nose. It mainly affects women with an onset between the ages of 30 and 40 and, although it is not a serious disease, it can have a major psychological…

Electrical injuries: electrocution injuries

It is well known that any type of electrical injury can cause serious or life-threatening injuries.  The most obvious injuries are those caused by electrocution. A lesser-known complication of electrical injuries is cataract formation