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What are the causes of sleepwalking?

Let's talk about sleepwalking: have you ever gone to sleep in your bed and woken up on the sofa in the living room? Or maybe you woke up with mysterious crumbs scattered on your pyjamas with no memory of a midnight snack?

Kaposi's sarcoma: discover what it is

Kaposi's sarcoma is a multicentric vascular tumour caused by herpes virus type 8. The various forms are classical, AIDS-associated, endemic (in Africa), or iatrogenic (e.g. after organ transplantation)

Crohn's disease or irritable bowel syndrome?

Initially known as "Crohn's disease", what we now more correctly call Crohn's disease, to emphasise that it is not a contagious disease, typically occurs in individuals who have, due to a genetic predisposition, an abnormal immune response…